'Here\'s one of our favorite wrist mobility routines. Jake starts with some soft tissue work, then gets into some stretching and activation to help your wrists get mobilized and stronger. If you enjoyed this video please feel free to leave a like or comment, and share with your friends! Subscribe for more! Receive workouts, technique tips, and exclusive discounts right here → http://bit.ly/GetNotifiedFitnessCulture FITNESS CULTURE TRAINING → http://bit.ly/2MosUqF FOLLOW US → https://www.instagram.com/fitnessculturetraining https://www.facebook.com/fitcultprogramming/ https://www.instagram.com/jacobhutton1/ https://www.instagram.com/stevecook/ SUBSCRIBE → http://bit.ly/FitnessCultureSubscribe'
Tags: fitness culture , athlete , power , Steve Cook , jacob hutton , swole , fitness programming , wrist mobility , wrist stretches , wrist strength
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